Community Mixes2025-02-05T10:41:59-06:00

Become a contributing Community DJ.

Are you a local DJ looking to hear your mixes on the radio? We are looking for 58-minute long, radio-clean MP3 submissions from local DJs to air on the radio. Our community mixes will play on Mondays and Wednesdays from 11am-12pm.

Your mix must include

  • An intro, Example: “Welcome to Community Mixes on KRSM, I’m today’s guest DJ ___”
  • breaks throughout your program telling listeners what they are hearing and who they are listening to
  • FCC-clean content

FCC Rules to keep in mind (for full list of FCC Rules please email

  • Absolutely NO swearing
  • Only one song by an artist can be played within the hour
  • No hate speech/slander/misinformation

Community Mixes Submission

Submit a 58 minute MP3 for consideration for our Community Mixes show.

All mixes must be exactly 58 minutes long to allow for spots to play before and after the program and the mix must be entirely radio-clean, meaning absolutely no swearing. Are you familiar with how to abide by FCC regulations?
Accepted file types: zip, mp3, tar, gzip, Max. file size: 100 MB.
Please let us know what's on your mind. Have a question for us? Ask away.